Friday, September 17, 2010

Assignment 1- Period 6

Blog Guidelines

1. All responses must be written using proper grammar and spelling.

2. When you create your blog account please use your full name.

3. You must write your full name and period at the beginning of the comment.

4. You must specify which question you are answering at the beginning of the comment.

5. Make sure to support your answer with examples from the book.

*Please answer the question that corresponds to the group number in which you have been placed.*

1. Using specific examples from the book, compare the artistic and narrative styles of Maus with those of Prisoner on the Hell Planet. How does the form of each reflect its content?

2.  Evaluate Spiegelman's decision to include the story of Lucia in the story. Why does Spiegelman feel it necessary to make the story of Jews in the Holocaust "more REAL, more human"?

3. Compare and contrast Maus with other narratives or movies that deal with the Holocaust.

4.  Spiegelman portrays all Jews as mice regardless of their countries of origin or political affiliations. Why do you think Spiegelman chooses to portray them in that way?

5.  Describe at least 3 instances in which Spiegelman makes an artistic deviation from the techniques used in the bulk of Maus in order to emphasize the emotional content of the story.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Assignment 1- Period 3

Blog Guidelines

1. All responses must be written using proper grammar and spelling.

2. When you create your blog account please use your full name.

3. You must write your full name and period at the beginning of the comment.

4. You must specify which question you are answering at the beginning of the comment.

5. Make sure to support your answer with examples from the book.

*Please answer the question that corresponds to the group number in which you have been placed.*

1.  Choose 3 adjectives that you think best describe Artie's character and motivations and defend your choices with specific examples from Maus.

2. Writers and illustrators of children's picture books often use animals as protagonists as a means of avoiding having to choose a race or ethnicity for their characters. It has been argued that it is easier for humans to sympathize and identify with animals than with human characters. Why do you think this is?

3.  Discuss the usefulness of the "cat and mouse" metaphor in Maus. How appropriate is the metaphor? Does it extend beyond the one-demensional suggestions of a cat-and-mouse chase?

4.  Whom would you be more likely to call "selfish"- Vladek or Artie? Support your answer with specific details from Maus.

5.  In Spiegelman's title, Maus: A Survivor's Tale, to whom does the word "survivor" apply? Why?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Assignment 1- Period 1

Blog Guidelines

1. All responses must be written using proper grammar and spelling.

2. When you create your blog account please use your full name.

3. You must write your full name and period at the beginning of the comment.

4. You must specify which question you are answering at the beginning of the comment.

5. Make sure to support your answer with examples from the book.

*Please answer the question that corresponds to the group number in which you have been placed.*
Group 1 Question- Cats hunt mice for a practical reason-their own survival. What did the Nazis believe was the practical reason for hunting Jews? Why did Nazis deem it necessary to their own survival?
Group 2 Question- Some have suggested that Speigelman's portrayal of people as cats and mice means that humans are nothing but animals. Do you agree with this interpretation? Why or why not?
Group 3 Question- An old saying has it that, while some wait for good luck, others make their own good luck. Using specific examples from the text, explain how this saying applies to Vladek.
Group 4 Question- Support or attack the following statement: "Both Vladek's and Anja's chief character traits were present in them before the Nazis came to power. Their experiences in the camps simply made them more of what they already were."
Group 5 Question- Choose the 3 adjectives that you think best describe Vladek's character and motivations and defend your choices with specific examples from the book.